Effluent Ponds

Enzymate for effluent and sludge ponds 

Enzymate will break down accumulations of fats, oils and grease in effluent ponds, reducing surface crusting and keeping the system free flowing.
At the same time Enzymate will eliminate the associated unpleasant odours.

How does it work?
Enzymate is a unique blend. It contains fermented natural products, multi nutrients and biodegradable surfactants which is specifically formulated to rapidly and safely eliminate organic waste material. 

Enzymatic breaks down the complex waste molecules into progressively smaller less complex elements which in turn act as a food source for the existing bacteria present in the system. The bacteria then multiply and accelerate the digestion of the waste material. 

The surfactant present in Enzymatic helps to reduce the fatty particle size and breaks apart surface accumulation of oily materials. The surfactant itself also becomes a food source.

It doesn’t happen overnight…..

A biological process takes time. Enzymate is not an instant answer, but it is a lasting answer. 
What makes Enzymate so different from other bio products?

Enzymate is the total package. The efficiency of Enzymate is determined by It's unique blend of 

• selected enzymes,
• essential multi nutrients  
• biodegradable surfactants
• all in liquid form

These combine together to provide an instant stimulant and a readily available food source for the digestion of organic waste.

Unlike other bio additive products on the market we do not

• add bacteria
• exclude enzymes
• exclude surfactants
• exclude nutrients
• have a powder or granular base
The benefits of bio cleaners 

  • creates and stimulates aerobic microbial activity in ponds
  • breaks down sludge accumulation – it targets and digests the organisms that cause solids build up resulting in a significant reduction in waste volume
  • reduces surface crusting and digests suspended solids
  • reduces settled waste and increases and maintains pond capacity
  • combines immediate control with long term maintenance 
  • reduces need for digging out and desludging
  • reduce pump and trap blockages
  • turns sludge into valuable liquid nutrients
  • easier to spread the effluent in the field or pump out
  • will also control and significantly reduce unpleasant organic odours 
  • it is a natural solution harmless to humans and animals
  • environmentally friendly, non-toxic and safe to use
  • economical and easy to apply
  • good for the environment
Where can it be used

Enzymate will be effective where organic waste is collected and stored 

• agriculture
• wineries
• food processing plants
• industrial plants

Recommended dosage

Recommended dosage rates are subject to site evaluation to consider several factors including the waste water system design, pond storage design and size, daily inflows and composition of the waste material.
  1. An initial shock treatment dosage is recommended to kick start the natural degradation process and thereafter, regular daily or weekly dosage will keep drains clear of fat accumulation and will significantly reduce foul odours.
  2. Enzymate can be applied as a spray directly on the pond surface and through the drain system.
  3. Apply Enzymate at times at times of low activity to allow the product to work efficiently.
  4. Apply Enzymate at the furthest point from the outlet drain into the pond to allow the product to work the length of the drain system


Enzymate works by stimulating the activity of micro-organisms naturally present in the organic waste. 

However, the efficiency of Enzymate will be restricted by the presence of
  • abnormally low acidic conditions or
  • abnormally high alkaline conditions 
  • the presence of biocides 
  • very low or very high temperatures 
  • high concentrations of salts 
  • harsh chemicals. 

Please be aware that all information and advice is given in good faith and with the best available information based on actual case history. Though all care is taken, no warranty is given or implied.

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